Wednesday 17 September 2014

Essay Outline

Main Topic Area:
Age digital divide among the younger generation and older generation in Singapore.

Main Problem Identified:
Majority of the elderly are disconnected from the world due to the fact that they do not know how to access to internet.

Proposed Solution (set):
Conducting workshops in the neighbourhood community centres for the elderly and teach them how to access to internet.

Proposed Thesis:
Elderly in Singapore should connect themselves to the world by accessing internet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kaiyao,

    We feel that your thesis should include both your problem identified (did not mention the topic area of age digital divide between the older and younger generation) and the proposed solution.
    Besides, you should give examples to show how the majority of the elderly are disconnected from the world.
    There is also no room for debate for your thesis statement as you simply state that elderly should connect themselves by accessing the internet, there wasn't any examples given to debate on.
    In your solution set, you should also mention who is responsible for conducting the workshops.

    - Angie, Albert and Shu Ning
